Samarpanam Farmer’s Market offers fresh & wholesome organic produce from our very own farm, and through a network of local organic farmers we have built a strong relationship with over many years of trust and transparency.

Home-delivery of fresh fruits, vegetables & groceries every Tuesday & Friday.
Millets, Cereals, Pulses, Oils and more products are available at our store Monday to Saturday (9am - 7:30pm).

As the son of a farmer who has dedicated 50 years of his life to farming, and with more than 400 years of farming in our family’s history, it naturally made sense that I pursue farming, too. True to my forefathers’ spirit and commitment to this noble service, I began working with the soil and water to provide for and nourish my community - a community that has truly shaped my being, my personality and my profession.
I draw great inspiration from the words of the renowned Tamil poet & philosopher Thiruvalluvar as quoted in his work Thirukkural:
“உழுவார் உலகத்தார்க்கு ஆணிஅஃ தாற்றாது
எழுவாரை எல்லாம் பொறுத்து”
“உழவு செய்ய முடியாமல் உயிர் வாழ்கின்றவர், எல்லாரையும் தாங்குவதால், உழவு செய்கின்றவர் உலகத்தாற்கு அச்சாணி போன்றவர்”
Meaning: “Agriculturists are the linchpin of the world for they support all other workers who cannot till the soil.”

Samarpanam simply means offering or to surrender oneself to what (s)he has chosen to do.
I’ve chosen to be an Organic Farmer and I take pride in bringing the best local produce to you through our Farmers’ Market.